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Welcome to Holy Family Institute of Catholic Faith and Life!

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Greetings in Christ, and welcome to Holy Family Institute of Catholic Faith and Life. I am so glad you stopped by, and I hope you will be back often!

My name is Steve Greene, and I am the founding director of Holy Family Institute of Catholic Faith and Life. After ten years forming catechists and everyday Catholics for the Diocese of Phoenix as Director of Kino Catechetical Institute, I accepted Fr. Keith Kenney’s invitation to help found the institute as an agile, multi-format faith formation resource able to provide contact points with authentic Catholic faith and life across a broad range of media platforms.

Having spent most of my professional life teaching, presenting, and broadcasting the Catholic faith, my wife, Becky, and I felt called to be part of this innovative new approach to creating content that could be a blessing to “Catholics of all ages and stages,” as the saying goes.

Our mission is to use both digital media and in person formation to reach as many people as possible with the truth, goodness, and beauty of the Catholic faith by making it available online, on social media, and in a variety of formats and platforms, so seekers can find here something for every level of interest and engagement.

We want those who engage with Holy Family Institute formation to take away a deeper appreciation of, and love for, the Catholic faith, and an increased confidence in their ability (and calling!) to charitably and courageously articulate and defend their faith!

Although this apostolate will not single-handedly turn the Titanic, or solve all the problems in the Church and the culture, I believe it is a good and necessary work well begun, and that what we are doing, and what we hope to be able to do as we grow and develop the institute, can make a genuine contribution to the faith and life of Catholics around the world.

That is why our motto is, “Learn your faith. Live your faith. Share your faith.”

Thank you again for visiting our website. Please take some time to check out all of our faith formation formats, take advantage of our free subscription to stay up to date with new content as we post it and, of course, feel free to spread the word!

God bless,
Steve Greene
Director Holy Family Institute of Catholic Faith and Life.

Steve Greene's Bio

Steve Green

Steve Greene is a national speaker, writer, multi-media presenter, and co-host, with his wife, Becky, of the award-winning The Catholic Conversation podcast.

After ten years serving as Director of Kino Catechetical Institute for the Diocese of Phoenix, Steve accepted an offer to help found Holy Family Institute of Catholic Faith and Life, based in Gilbert, Arizona.

Steve holds a Master’s degree in Catholic Thought and Life from St. Meinrad School of Theology. In addition to teaching theology, philosophy, ethics and Catholic studies for a variety of academic institutions, he has presented locally and nationally on Catholic philosophy, theology, anthropology, and catechetics for over 20 years.

He and Becky are also national presenters for the John Paul II Foundation’s Together in Holiness marriage conferences. Steve has been featured in several international Catholic media projects, including EWTN’s Life on the Rock television show, and video series such as the Knights of Columbus Into the Breach, Blackstone Films’ Complete My Joy, and the YouTube video blog What’s Wrong With the World.

His published work includes articles for Catholic Answers Magazine, Crisis Magazine, Messenger of St. Anthony, and The Catechetical Review, as well as a chapter on the role of philosophy in the Catechism, featured in the anthology Speaking the Truth In Love: The Catechism and the New Evangelization, published by Emmaus Academic Press.

Steve also recorded the official audio version for both of Bishop Olmsted’s apostolic exhortations, Into the Breach and Complete My Joy. Most importantly he is a husband of 20 years, and father to six wonderful children.